
a step into wellness
Melissa Frey
Registered Massage Therapist
One Year!
November 4th 2024 will be my official one year anniversary at my new location.
I can not believe it has been a year. It was amazing, only a few tears. The Lord has blessed me hugely this year and I am very excited to see what else comes.
I want to thank all of you for your love and support, I really couldn't have done it without you. I wont be hosting a party or open house cause that just isn't my style, I will be hanging out with my husband and watching our daughter swim her first meet.
THANK YOU! from the bottom of my heart.

Looking for a peaceful space to work? We have rooms for rent in a quiet clinic located in a charming small town, St. Jacobs. Ideal for therapists, counselors, or wellness practitioners, our rooms offer a serene environment to meet your clients. Contact us today to learn more about availability!

This massage is short and sweet.
Ideal for one trouble area that we have been working on. This is not a relaxation massage; this is meant to treat the trouble area only.
$75 (price increase Feb 14th)
A comprehensive massage therapy treatment with an in-depth postural assessment. This is a corrective therapeutic massage; this is not relaxation targeted.
$95 (price increase Feb 14th)
A comprehensive massage therapy treatment with an in-depth postural assessment. This is a head-to-toe corrective therapeutic massage; this is not relaxation targeted.
$115 (price increase Feb 14th)
A comprehensive massage therapy treatment with an in-depth postural assessment. This is a head-to-toe corrective therapeutic massage; this is not relaxation targeted.
$140 (price increase Feb 14th)
A comprehensive massage therapy treatment with an in-depth postural assessment. This is a head-to-toe corrective therapeutic massage; this is not relaxation targeted.
$165 (price increase Feb 14th)
A 60 min relaxation massage,
calm the nerves, shut off the world,
quiet the mind, good vibes and
relaxation are our top priorities
A 60 min relaxation massage,
calm the nerves, shut off the world,
quiet the mind, good vibes and
relaxation are our top priorities.
A 60 min relaxation massage,
calm the nerves, shut off the world,
quiet the mind, good vibes and
relaxation are our top priorities.
$130 (price increase Feb 14th)
$155 (price increase Feb 14th)
$180 (price increase Feb 14th)

Hey, I'm Melissa!
I have been an RMT for 13 years and continue to learn new and interesting ways to help heal the body. In my career, I have enjoyed trying out new techniques with clients, working together to find answers. I have been mentored by some amazing people, an RMT with decades of experience, an acupuncturist, and other RMTs with a variety of skills, and I have taken in as much knowledge as I possibly could along the way.
A few classes I have taken to advance my skills include becoming a Certified Ironman Coach, RAPID, acupressure, and Rehab U, along with others.
I have always wanted to be a massage therapist; I love helping people find healing. I suffer from anxiety and depression, so I know how scary a massage and just leaving the house can be. To help with my anxiety and depression, I go for runs, and lift weights.
I work a lot with meridian lines and getting your body to have a better flow. My goal is to help you fall in love with your body again, reach your PR, find your imbalance, be pain free in your hobby.
I love to help people find full body balance and find the root of the issue.
My passion is trying to figure it out, do the research, and find what works for my clients in order to provide long-term wellness for healthy living.
I love to correct client's body posture and see how I can work within their comfort zone and pain tolerance, and then devise a plan to help them reach their goals.
I can guarantee you have never had a massage like this before. My approach is very intuitive as well as medical. As a registered massage therapist with experience and a passion for wellness,